K8s Road Map


  • Distributed system
  • YAML
  • Docker
  • Networking Basis
      1. L4 & L7 Layers (OSI Layers)
      1. SSL/TLS: One way & Mutual TLS
      1. Proxy
      1. DNS
      1. IPTables
      1. IPVS
      1. Software Defined Networking (SDN)
      1. Virtual Interfaces
      1. overlay networking

Kubernetes Architecture

  • Control plane components
    • API server
    • etcd
    • Scheduler
    • Controller manager.
  • Worker node components
    • Kube Proxy
    • Kubelet
    • Container Runtime
  • Addon Components
    • CoreDNS
    • Network plugins (Calico, weave, etc)
    • Metric Server
  • Cluster high availability
    • scaling the cluster in multi zones and regions
  • Network Design

Cluster Setup

  • MicroK8s
  • GKE
  • EKS

Understand Kubeconfig File

Understand Kubernetes Objects And Resources

anything user creates and persists in Kubernetes is an object

Learn About Pod & Associated Resources

  1. Kind
  1. Metadata
  1. Annotations
  1. Labels
  1. Selectors

Things to do with pod

  1. Deploy a pod
  1. Deploy pod on the specific worker node
  1. Add service to pod
  1. Expose the pod Service using Nodeport
  1. Expose the Pod Service using Ingress
  1. Setup Pod resources & limits
  1. Setup Pod with startup, liveness, and readiness probes.
  1. Add Persistent Volume to the pod.
  1. Attach configmap to pod
  1. Add Secret to pod
  1. multi-container pods (sidecar container pattern)
  1. Init containers
  1. Ephemeral containers
  1. Static Pods
  1. Learn to troubleshoot Pods

Learn Pod Dependent Objects

  1. Replicaset
  1. Deployment
  1. Daemonsets
  1. Statefulset
  1. Jobs & Cronjobs

Learn Ingress & Ingress Controllers


Deploy End to End Application on Kubernetes

  1. Helm (Templating Engine)
  1. Kuztomize (Overlay Engine)

Learn About Kubernetes Operator Pattern

  1. Custom resource definitions
  1. Admission controllers
  1. Validating & Mutating Webhooks
  1. Prometheus Operator
  1. MySQL Operator

Learn Important Kubernetes Configurations

  1. Custom DNS server
  1. Custom image registry